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Asset, Property : Let's talk about real estate... the editorial

Chloé & François

Updated: Sep 11, 2023

"Today, the asset management and property management professions are experiential professions that can only be learned in a very few schools. At Bazimo, we wanted to give a voice to these everyday players, to put them in the spotlight in order to let them talk about their jobs and share their knowledge and expertise.

Commercial real estate industry have a highly varied professions that often involves dealing with new situations. The careers are not a long and quiet river but the human interactions and the varied subjects make it an exciting sector which is difficult to get away from.

Learning is mainly done with the peers of the companies in which you work. The diversity of the crossed profiles enriches the experience of each one ans that's why we wanted to give the word to experts of the sector.

Thus, each month, through this collaborative and open space, articles and podcasts will be shared, in order to talk about current business topics and to address tackle the complex news that surrounds us... the crisis and its freed square meters or more positive news are some examples.

This blog will be an opportunity to bring many answers to our customers and prospects on their business in general by bringing them our knowledge and our experts' network.

We already thank all the people who joined our initiative and who support the project on a daily basis. "

Chloé Rayssac

Chloé Rayssac, MRICS

Co-founder & CEO - BAZIMO

" "Sometimes, between assets and property managers, we don't understand each other very well." How many times have professionals complained about this difficulty communication between asset managers and property managers? Yet, contracts are clear and objectives are common. But the stakes aren't the same, the schedules are different, misunderstandings happen quickly: asset and property managers have sometimes difficulty to speak the same language.

At 7+ Conseil, we have worked with many asset and property managers and our observation is conformed: when each understands the other's objectives, their constraints and schedule, the objective of creating or maintaining value in the building is fluidly deployed, the tenant's expectations are better understood, and weak signals are captured.

Understanding each other's language is the concrete objective of these articles: professionals, among the best in their sector, exchange on field subjects, share best pratices and tips. Often these professionals have been asset manager and then property manager (or vice versa) in their careers, and their advice benefits from their dual analysis. We have favored cross-views. When an asset and a property manager share their approach on the same subject it's refreshing... and sometimes it shakes things up a bit!

We are very pleased to share these elements with you, to initiate exchange and discussion between professionals and contribute to the smooth running of the real estate industry. "

François Père

François Père

Associate - 7+ Conseil

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